Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Good Governence

According to our constitution a public representative when elected from his/her constituency must represent each and very citizen of that part of the country, his/her feelings must not be biased towards certain section of society which may have reviled there privacy which clearly question there morality. The privacy to revile there votes should be considered as a matter of shame in the society, rather it is depicted as a loyalty towards that member. The contents of the Constitution must be implemented in its true and pure form any modification may result into a social disaster what happened in U.P. is an example of that. Now the question arises what are the circumstances or reasons which resulted in such situation .

Indian political institution are in scarcity of mass leaders like lal bahadur , Jai prakash, Karpuri Thakur , Madhaw Rao and many more , its not that mass leaders are not there in the system but there is a lack of responsibility and concern which many have lost due to growing age or there participation in ruling side there may be more excuse for that.This scarcity is due to involvement of national parties in campus politics the have paralysed the youth and have made them support addicted leaders like chandrasekhar , laloo, nitish , praful mahanta , sharad yadav are the genuine product of campus politics the are self made .

Lack of Politically educated voters is another problem which is faced during implementation of democracy in true sense , they must be educated about there right to not revile there vote not as against law but as there responsibility towards society or country .

Transparency in the work should be there so that it would be easier for the public to figure out the job performed by the government at state level and country level respectively . There project must be clearly distinction between state projects and Central projects people should not confused between the job performed at each level.

Every time a true government does not result into a good governance and some time the base of good governance is created by some unfair means , there should be some sense of balance between both, what happened before 77's emergency was a true governance but it wasn't a good governance what Sanjay Gandhi was doing was in national interest he didn't planned for his personal futer but it was in hard way it wasn't a democracy . considering the duration of Janta party which was india's first government by the people in true sense but resulted into a disaster . Indian voter should be educated about the do's and don't else it will result into biggest democratic disaster.

Friday, September 4, 2009

where it went wrong

Government is dedicated to free India from at least one curse that is POVERTY for that in feb 2007 NAREGA was launched it is dedicated to provide 200 days guaranteed employment for manual labour. In NAREGA neither the money is provided to machinery nor to the out stationed labors which are hired by contractor .
Why the hell i m discussing this every one is aware of this fact.............. actually my blog has a character similar to RAKHI SAWANT it tends to create controversies .............. any way here it is reviling its true colour.
NAREGA promises 100 Rs per day employment for 2oo days a year which make him earn 20,000 Rs per year if at least 2 members of the family works then there family income will be Rs 40,000 which is 16,000 more than the BPL families . so were will the poverty stand if this program will run at its full capacity .But the truth is that not even 50 percent of its potential is used for the cause in true sense .
Once i got a chance to interact with a daily wedge labor i was really exited about his reactions about the program launched by UPA government , when he was asked about it his words shattered me he reviled that the job in which he was employed was provided by a local BABUSAHEB at 60 rs per day although he was working under the board of NAREGA . When i asked him about the jobs of NAREGA he told "babu ye sab garib khatir thori hai , paisa kaha hai ki kaam milega". Utter failure that's how i can describe the golden geese of manmoham singh lead UPA government . It seems like this NAREGA if not implemented correctly will result into program like Indra gandhi awash yogna in which people paid Rs 3,000 to get loan of Rs 15,000 . It was a huge hit for its corruption .
I can't believe that the government with its rooted machinery can't find the amount which is spend is yield back or not. Such facts don't allows me to generate confidence in my leadership which promises to get GDP above 11 and make India an economist paradise , it seams that those promises are made considering 30 percent of urban India discarding rest of 70 percent.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

मुझे सर्म आती है .

मुझे शर्म आती है अपने आप को बिहारी कहने मे । मै अपनी पहचान छिपाना चाहता हु , हा ये सच है और ख़बरदार किसी ने मुझे नसीहत देने कि कोशिस की कोई मेरी भावनाओ को दबाने का प्रयत्न न करे ।
आती है भाई मुझे अपने आप को बिहारी कहलवाने मे शर्म आती है , मै नजर नही मिला पता, किसी के सामने अपने आप को प्रकट करने मे मुझे लज्जा आती है । जानते है क्यू ........ ?
क्यू कि जिस स्थिति मे मेरा बिहार है मै उसे स्थिति से उबरने मे असमर्थ हु । मेरी हालत उसआदमी कि तरह है जो अपनी पत्नी के साथ कांटिनेंटल से dinner कर के लौट रहा हो और उस कि माँ रास्ते के मन्दिर कि सीढियों पे बैठी जूठे प्रसाद के लिए हाथ फेलारही हो । मै नही चाहता किसी को ये पता चले कि वो मेरी माँ है , मुझे पाल पोस कर बड़ी करने वाली मेरी माँ मन्दिर के सीढियों पर पड़ी उई है , मै नही चाहता किसी को ये बात पता चले ।
कहने को तो हजारो डॉक्टर , इंजिनियर निकलते है बिहार से , पर क्या है कि उनको शर्म नही आती उन्हें टाइम ही नही मिलता, बहुत वस्त लोग है भाई चूल्हे मे जाय माँ ...............
आज कल पिता अपने पुत्र से कहता है कि पढो लिखो और इस गन्दगी से बाहर जाओ ....... बहुत बढ़िया कितने कैरिंग पिता है । अरे बापजी अगर भगत सिंह के बाप ने उशे रोक लिया होता तो झक मर के लेते आज़ादी ।
और ऊपर से अपने भगत को तो देखो जब तक हपते मे लोंडिया के साथ सिनेमा न देखे मूड ही नही बनता ......... झंडू साला

ठीक है कोई जरुरत नही झंडूओं कि , मै अकेला जाऊंगा टूरिस्ट के हसियेत से नही एक बिहारी कि हसियेत से , वह पड़ी हर उष गन्दगी को हटाऊंगा जिससे मझे लज्जा आती है। मुझे बर्दास्त नही मेरी माँ जूठन के लिए कतार में
खड़ी हो ।

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I want the change to follow but ........ how ? I want to contribute in the development of my country , my dad has always told me that in list of my priority my country should be at the top, and i have that at very first.
But i will not be able to retain that list, sooner or later it may change , when i look at my origin, where i am from ? I get an answer which shake my consensus ,Not because of its poor resources because of the negligence which the rest of the country has offered in reward of our dedication . I don't blame any one for the state in which my state is in, no i will not do that instead of blaming the third person i will work, i will work for the better future of my region so that my country should not be ashamed of having my state as a part of its REPUBLIC . I told u about our upbringing ............we are taught about the priorities .
I will ask those who are involve in teaching me about my priority about the negligence , why the government always has its multi million plane ready for Delhi , not for the basic necessity but for its decoration and makeover . They care for the electricity to run an air-conditioner for the citizen in this part of region but they least care about the electricity for irrigation in ruler bihar .......... why? because their demands are fulfilled by punjab and haryana . Bihar is India’s most flood-prone State, with 76 percent of the population, in the north Bihar living under the recurring threat of flood devastation . we witnessed in the years 1978, 1987, 1998, 2004 and 2007 , and will face in near future then our generous government will announce a handsome package as if we are the beggars which always cry for help for every then and now.
Bihar has privilege to share the rank above any other states for the success of there pupils in various examinations including administrative services , the state should feel extremely proud that there citizen are involve in the development of there country by sharing there knowledge and skill. But never ask them for its own help , its citizens are so busy that they are not being able to look at the problem faced by the state. Metro rail project was a multi billion project which was build to cut off the travel time of people in delhi ,the time they save was more worthy than the thousand and lacks of lives which bihar losses in flood and naxal attacks . Few highly educated journalist sitting some were in metro, debate on the pathetic condition which prevail in bihar , why bihari always vote on caste line , why they choose criminal for parliament............... man they ruin our impression on world stage, these biharies .............
Ya we do that's the truth .... we vote on caste line ,we vote for criminals , i m not talking about the 2% of biharies availing the Internet , rather then 98% who r not . They will vote for criminals because those criminals do what the government should , they are not affected by the power which india can produce by nuke technology what matters for them is the security from the rivals, police and mafia him self.
The people who are to be blame are us those called educated biharies we are skilled ,educated and have enough knowledge to share on national platform and we do because our priorities are like that we are taught like that .But now we should be a bit conservative not only for bihar but also for the integrity of indian republic. No one wants to carry extra language and that to which is useless , we have to change, no we have to make the change .We have to change our attitude ,we have to redefine our priorities . We have to take the initiative , do btech, mbbs,mba, etc.... but do not forget you have to jump in so called dirty politics . I m not like those who have there ass placed in a studio and give lecture i will join ,i will try to make change . I will redefine my priorities , i will change that list , i will have my state at very first, they can't just ask for our services for the shake of the country ,we must be rewarded for that services nothing is free . In true sense if India want to be a power of world stage it should be india , india as a whole .And i assure u when that will happen we biharies we play an important role in that ............

Friday, April 24, 2009

सेवा मे ......राज बाबु

आज अख़बार पढ़ के बबुआ भड़क गैइले , तमतमा के कहलस की हमनियो के अलग बिहार चाही , जब हिंदुस्तान मे बिहारी के कदर नइखे तब हमनी के हिंदुस्तान मे काहे रहल जइए.............

बाबु जी मुस्कुरा के दुखी मन से कहलन ....."अरे बौउराह बिहार के अस्तित्वा का बा बिना भारत के ".... बबुआ अभी नादान बारण , अभी मेट्रिक के परीचा देबेवाला बारण ।

राज ठाकरे जी अगर रउरा लागत बा की हमनी के राउर मराठी एकता मे दारार दलत बनी जा त पुरा भोजपुरिया समाज के ओर से हम माफी मंगत बानी । हमनी के छोट मानसिकता ओला लोग हनी जा , रुआ सब दूर द्रिस्टी रहके वोला ज्ञानी लोग । राज बाबु जब हम छोट रही हमर बाबु जी सुते से पहिले लेच्क्चेर देत रहन , ओकरा मे हिंदुस्तान के तकलीफ से सुरुआत होखे और समाधान पर ख़तम करस । विस्वास करी दुनो आदमी संगही सुते जाई जा , आज तलक बिहार पर केंद्रित चर्चा न भइल।

किंतु आज बबुआ खिसी पूछलन ..."का बाबु जी , हमनी के इहे दर्जा रखेनी जा गणतंत्र मे ? " बाबु जी कहल "रोप्या मे तौला त बिहार सबसे हलुक बा , कर्म मे तौला त हिंदुस्तान से भारी बा , परन्तु याद रखिया बेटा बिहार के अस्तित्वा नइखे बिना भारत के "।
राज बाबु हमनी के पूर्वज भी राउर सेवा मे लागल रहलन , तोहर विकास मे हमनी के भी कुछ योगदान बा , चाहे अशोक के सवार्निम युग होखे , आर्यभट के ० होखे , आपन दादा परदादा से पुछिहा कबो सपना मे आइहन त बतैहन तहरा के ओ घरी कोंकण से लोग आवत रहन नालंदा 'लूर ' सीखे खातिर । आज तोहरा तक्लिफ्ह होखता अगर बिहार से कोई जाता तहरा भीरी ।
राज साहेब तोहरा मे आज भी अतना काबलियत नइखे की बिना 'HCverma' और 'kcsinha' के इंजिनियर बना सक । जवन छेत्र्ये पार्टी के झंडा तले बौवत बार , उहो देन है जय प्रकाश नारायण के । चंपारण के किसान तोहर आज़ादी खातिर संघर्स कैलन , ८० साल के उम्र खटिया पे सुते के होखेला अंग्रेज से लड़े खातिर न "बाबु कुवर सिंह " के बात करतनी साहेब ।
अतने न १९४७ से लेके आज तक हिंदुस्तान के राजनीति मे हमनी के दबदबा रहल किंतु कबो दुरूपयोग न कईनी जा। बाबु जगजीवन राम, चन्द्रसेखर या नीतिश के लेल । ज्वोन लालू के नाम पर तू गारी देबेला उहे एक मात्र बबर रहे जवोन १९९३ मे अडवानी के बेवुर के रास्ता देखाव्ल्स और बिहार के सम्प्र्दैक्ता के आग से बचव्लास ।
बसिष्ठ नारायण सिंह के ना जानत होख्हम , बहुत छोट आदमी रुआ खातिर , हमनी खातिर महान गणितग्य बसिष्ठ नारायण सिंह 'WDC' गोइल रहन रिसर्च करे खातिर , 'california' यूनिवर्सिटी मे आज भी इनकर पेपर पढावल जाला , आज भी खटिया पे बिना लेवा के सुते लन...........
एगो और छोट आदमी रहन कुंजन जी जिनकर कविता संग्रह हमनी के जबानी याद बा , ईहा के कौनो प्रसिद्ध प्रकासन के मोहताज न भइलन। राज बाबु तू आपन संस्कृती के बढ़ावे खातिर बल के पर्योग करे ल , हमनी के जरुरत न पड़े , चाहे साहित्य होखे या चलचित्र । तोहरा असिर्वाद से ६ वो महाद्वीप मे फलत फुलत बनी जा ।
राज बाबु तोहरा के भोजपुरिया समाज लईका समझ माफ करत बा , का ह की सहनशीलता हमनी मे कूट -२ के भरल बा , मास्टर साहेब बिना गलतियों के चार पयेना खीच देलन पुछला प् कहिहन की ससुरा एगुरे फर्स्ट कहे आवत बा । एकर नतीजा इंजीनियरिंग , मेडिकल या प्रसासनिक प्रवेस परीछा के 'मेरिट लिस्ट ' मे लौकेला ।

पर हर चीझ के एगो सीमा होखे ला ओकर उलंघन न होखे के चाही , आग्रह बा रउरा से।